Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Made it to Auckland!

Hellooo 4:45am alarm!  After getting the bags in the car my mom and I left for the ATL airport.  I checked in and eventually left her, after many tears, and kept on going through security.  The security line is where my true travel experience really shined.  I forgot to take my belt off, didn’t take my laptop out of its case, was short one box, AND had tears streaming down my face from saying goodbye.  Luckily the businessman behind me was a nice one and didn’t seem to be in a hurry because he calmly grabbed another bin for me and waited patiently.  Thank you kind businessman!  As I sat at the gate to board the plane to DC, I tried to read a book but unfortunately I couldn’t see the pages because of the tears that kept welling up in my eyes.  When I got to DC, I couldn’t have even told you what city I was in.  It could’ve been Chicago for all I know.  It’s weird how an airport says nothing about a city (except for the souvenirs) and how they all look the same when looking out the windows.  I ate some Wendy’s and people watched until the flight to LA took off.  I had a window seat and got to see the crop circles in Kansas (I assume it was Kansas) and desert that looked like Egypt to me in New Mexico or Arizona…?  I hopped off the plane at LAX aka the most CONFUSING airport ever.  I asked three different people for directions to my assigned gate, mainly because I didn’t believe the first two when they told me to go outside and across the parking garage and cross two streets. What the heck?! Sure enough I had to go outside, across the parking garage, and cross two streets, which also meant that I had to go through security again.  Good thing I wasn’t in a hurry, sheesh! 45 minutes later I found it. 

The almost 13 hour flight to Auckland was LONG, but it definitely helped that 24 was an option on the touchscreen TV that was mounted on the seat in front of me.  Jack Bauer and I got some good bonding time.  I took some Dramamine and fell asleep but then was woken up to the question of chicken or vegetarian for dinner at 12:35 am! I subconsciously chose chicken, ate one bite and my roll, and then went back to sleep.  Woke up at about 4:30 am to the best fruit plate ever, complete with yogurt and a muffin.  Air New Zealand, I love you!

Today has been really long and it feels like 7pm already.  We spent the morning at an orientation session, got cell phones, and now it’s free time.  A friend from Furman and I are in a fancy shmancy McDonalds right now in downtown Auckland, which feels very similar to New York City but with lots of Asians, surprisingly (and I even talked to one with an accent that was a mix of asian and NZ, very interesting).  I’ll post some pictures of Auckland and my amazing plane fruit plate a little later!

We head out to Rotorua tomorrow until Monday for more orientation stuff and some white water rafting!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Home Sweet Home! Oh Wait...

Today I drove home (with a lunch break in Chattanooga with my Dad and Mamaw) from Mentone, Alabama where I've been working at Camp Skyline.  For the past month my days have been pretty routine and filled with energetic kids and great community!  It was tons of fun and I learned a lot, but I don't think I've ever been so ready to see my family and my house.  Check back in about 5 months and we'll see about that though... 
While I was at camp, there was another earthquake in Christchurch, which makes it at least the third one in the past year.  After hearing this, my parents decided to give me the option of 1) pulling the plug and calling it quits or 2) switching universities.  Tough choice... Not.  I chose to switch universities.  After lots of emails and phone calls I will now be attending The University of Waikato is Hamilton.  Hamilton is a smaller city on the north island about an hour and a half below Auckland.  Luckily, the flights and everything are still good to go despite the change!  
I've spent the afternoon and night unpacking, washing clothes, and repacking (with the help of my mom).  I am usually a big fan of packing but this is really overwhelming.  5 months, 2 seasons, 2 bags, 1 carry-on, AND a weight limit.  I've got way too many clothes, t-shirts alone, to pick from... such a difficult task. 
Anyways, I'm soaking in the next 30 hours I've got here at home.  Just watching the Braves, eating good food, hanging out with the fam, driving, listening to country radio, and taking advantage of knowing exactly where I am because I'm sure I won't know what the feels like for a while.  

Until then... some camper quotes:
-"Egypt is the capital of Peru"
-"No, Peru is the capital of Egypt!"

-"My grandparents are homemade." (referring to her grandparent's homemade fried okra)

-"Allison, where is my poncho?! It's ok, don't worry, I have an emergency poncho!"