Thursday, August 11, 2011

97 more days to soak in!

So there’s nothing special and unordinary to report from the other side of the world, but I thought I’d share a few things anyway…

First and foremost, I almost fell off the treadmill at the gym tonight when JOHNS CREEK, GEORGIA appeared on the TV!!!!!!!! I know you’re thinking yeah riiight!  But, yes, I am right.  Dear Atlanta Athletic Club, thank you for hosting the 2011 PGA Championship, which is apparently internationally televised, and thank you for being located in Johns Creek, so that I could experience a little bit of home tonight!!!  I literally did a triple take at the TV and gasped loud enough to hear myself over the music blaring in my headphones.  I thought, no way that’s MY Johns Creek, GA, but then I remembered that the PGA Championship is in mid-August and well, it’s mid-August.  I was so excited that I wanted to scream and shout and run around and tell everyone that was my hometown on TV, but I decided to just stay calm and soak it in.  I may or may not have exceeded the maximum 20 minutes the gym allows you to stay on a cardio machine just to see if it would make it back on after all the other sports highlights from around the world came on.  No big deal or anything that Johns Creek was on the same newsreel as a bike race in Europe and the footage of the games leading up to the Rugby World Cup.  Get it, JC, you’re world famous!  (PS: I hope you Johns Creek-ers are having a grand ol’ time with all the traffic that’s bringing in.)

Today was a long day of class with an in class essay on the Treaty of Waitangi mixed in.  The teacher (Nadia, just Nadia, no Dr. or Ms. It’s still so weird to call teacher by their first names) gave us the question that we would be answering in advance so I basically memorized my whole essay and just reproduced it in 40 minutes!  I stress out about things like that so I decided I would reward myself with a chocolate chip cookie :)  It’s the little things.  Anyways, that’s over now and I have NO CLASS tomorrow!  I plan on starting out the day with a drawn out breakfast (it might be unhealthy how much I love breakfast!), working on a paper, going to the grocery, and walking around town. 

I realize that I forgot to mention some news from home a few weeks ago… Drew and Diane are expecting another little one!  Who wouldn’t want another baby as cute as Anna running around the house?!  Wooooo!!!!!!!

Interesting Observations:
-NZ doesn’t have elementary school PE teachers.  Instead, the general teacher also teaches PE in the regular classroom.  I just realized this today and I’ve been in a class centered around PE for 5 weeks now.  My reaction to this epiphany was “Dang! That seems impossible!”  Then my whole class laughed.
-Yesterday, a boy dropped a ladle of SPAGHETTI on his toast.  This spaghetti thing just continues to weird me out.

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