Friday, September 23, 2011

Spring is coming! September?!

Do I really only have THREE weeks of lectures left?!  Maybe it feels so weird because at this point in the semester it’s usually December… but it’s September.  Or maybe because it’s usually winter weather… but it’s turning into spring. 
This week has been pretty normal as far I know… assignments, accents, random rain showers, a beautiful sky (I am still not convinced America has the same sky) even when there’s bad weather, letters from Diane (and Anna!), loving emails from friends and family, and everything else that has made life what it has been for the past 3 months!

On Wednesday, I went out to $5 pizza downtown with my friend Kelsi.  Kelsi is in my Health & PE curriculum class and we have worked on some group assignments together.  She is so sweet and was so nice to invite me to go with her and her flatmate!  Hopefully I’ll be going home with her one weekend in October (ps it’s almost October?! What?!).  You can’t beat $5 pizza and it was definitely nice to have a cheap break from the dining hall.

Kelsi and Me

This afternoon it was so beautiful outside that I ate lunch on the patio of the dining hall for about an hour and a half and spent the afternoon in my hammock between some trees :) Tonight I went to an international cultural show at Uni that students participated in.  There were acts from all over the Pacific Islands (Hawaii, Cook Islands, Samoa, Tahiti, Nuie, Papua New Guinea, etc...) and it made me think that I should’ve been representing America!  Actually, I wouldn’t enter something like that even if you paid me in Dr. Peppers or Kenny Chesney meet & greets (well, maybe).  However, it did get me thinking about what I would’ve actually done to represent America.  Sing Take Me Out to the Ball Game? Do the Hokey Pokey? Line dance? Swing dance (which would actually involve flying over a southern boy because there aren’t any here)? Do the Wop? Anyways, it was really cool to see all the different cultures represented, some of which I didn’t even know existed, and the dancing and such that came along with it all!
Also, USA played Australia in a Rugby World Cup match tonight.  Australia lost to Ireland last weekend, so they came out ready to whip up on good ol’ America, and unfortunately that is exactly what they did. Poor guys.  I’m still trying my best to keep up with the rugby over here!

A view of the beautiful sky from my window

Interesting Observations:
-“choice, eh bro?”=”good thinking/choice, huh.” Example: “Spaghetti on the pizza was choice, eh bro?”
-With their accents here, they put R sounds on the end of words that end in A.  Example: idear, Americurr, Canadurr etc
-The bakeries here continue to amaze me.  I love going in and getting “yesterday’s bread” from the bargain rack.  This week I got log bread (aka a huge croissant shaped like a log) for ONE DOLLAR.  Last week I got wheat walnut bread for only TWO DOLLARS.  Mmmm.  Yep, I just eat it plain, one pinch at a time and it tastes SO good.
-I have come to the conclusion that there are TONS of smokers in Hamilton.  I am specifying this to Hamilton because I would hate to think that all of NZ is like this.  Normally I try to hold my breath when I pass by a smoker, but its so hard here because there are just SO many.  I seriously think that if I held my breath every time I passed one I would die by the end of the day.  I would be holding my breath more often than I would be actually breathing.  I guess I’d rather come home with a little bit of black in my lungs from the second hand smoke than not come home at all due to overactive breath-holding.

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