Thursday, October 6, 2011

Things are winding down, but still exciting!

It’s pretty unbelievable that I only have 3, THREE, days of class left for the semester! WHAT?!  Things here at Uni have definitely started to wind down.  I turned in a NZ History paper and a strategic plan for a case study in Health & PE on Monday, and then gave a presentation on my strategic plan on Tuesday (and presented 18th out of 18. Dead last.).  Now only 1 education paper, and 2 final exams sit between me and America.  But until then, I’m a busy bee during the weekends and week-long study break. 

Some highlights from this week:
-In my presentation on Tuesday, which focused on Northview aka a pretty typical American high school, I included some info on pep rallies, letter jackets, championship rings, tailgates, etc.  This caused some confusion to the kiwis and after I was done, one person suggested that we have a pep rally next week to celebrate our last day of class. Haha! Maybe I should’ve explained all that stuff a little better…
-On Wednesday, I joined Lisa (from church) at her youth group, which gets together at different church (kind of like a sister church across town I guess).  I looked up the address and decided I could just take the bus so I wouldn’t have to bother anyone for a ride.  After some confusion between maps and real life roads, I finally made it!  It was cool meet more of the youth and see how they do youth group and the differences between it and the youth group that I went to at home.  They are having a “ball” this weekend, so after the bible study/discussion, we did some decorating for that, then Lisa brought me back to Uni! Success!
-Remember Dani, my cousins’ second cousin that I stayed with in Christchurch during the 2 week break?  Well she has a cousin (who is another one of my cousins’ second cousins) named Tarryn who lives in Hamilton!  Dani had given me Tarryn’s number, so I randomly texted her and thankfully she didn’t think I was some crazy long lost relative.  I met up with her in town for coffee yesterday and it was so cool to meet yet another random family member over here!  Tarryn recently graduated from Uni and is a lawyer in Hamilton.  She was so so sweet and fun to talk with, so hopefully I’ll have a chance to hang out with and get to know her more before I go back home.  I have been so blessed to have these very distant family members over here! Thanks Aunt Rozanne!
-I had my last NZ history tutorial (aka designated discussion time) yesterday!  My tut group has about 12 or so people in it, so it’s been a small enough number to get to know some of them better over the course of the semester, which has been really fun.  Anyways, yesterday the windows of this 4th story room were cracked open just for some fresh air, and A HUGE PIGEON FLEW IN!  This room is only about 10ft by 15ft aka TINY.  I was sitting right by the window and it was so scary, but hilarious at the same time.  Finally after flying into the glass on the window about 10 times, this giant pigeon made it out.  Ha!  We decided maybe it smelled our “lollies and biscuits” that people had brought in celebration of our last tutorial. (sidenote: lollies and biscuits=candy and cookies)
-Last night, Kelsey and I took an adventure to a nearby dairy for some ice cream.  Double scoop for $2... Yes, please! Good thing we just now figured out that there’s such an amazing deal so close to Uni… I also just figured out that the video store about 2 mins from my dorm sells DR. PEPPER. Why has Hamilton felt the need to keep such secrets from me?!  As we were walking back to Uni, we passed some of the crazy yet hilarious boys from my hall hanging out on one of the fields near the dorm. They had started their Thursday night partying a little early.  Kelsey and I decided that it was pretty entertaining so we climbed up a tree and spent about an hour talking, observing, laughing, and watching the sun set behind the mountains!

If only I had a dollar for every ice cream picture :)

check out this double scoop cone! hilarious!

a few kiwi boys 

This afternoon, Kelsi (different Kelsi, the one from my HPE class) is taking me home to Tauranga with her!  I’m really excited and it should be a super fun weekend.  I’ll be sure to report back with all the deets!

Interesting Observations:
-Kiwis have never heard of snickerdoodles.
-Instead of saying “knock on wood”, they say “touch wood” and actually just touch it instead of knocking.
-Tax is already included in all the prices in NZ.
-You know you’ve been somewhere new for a significant amount of time when you realize that you’ve found the type of granola bar you like and have stuck to it for over a month.
-When kiwis pronounce years like 1999, they say ninety like “nauny”.  So 1999 would be “nauny-nauny-naun”.  Also, 13 or 14 is pronounced like “thur-deen” and “fau-deen”.  Sound it out and hopefully that makes sense.
-The porridge and baked beans at BREAKFAST:

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