Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Is This Real Life?

Along with 60 first year interns, 50-something second year interns, over 100 campus ministers, and other RUF staff, I spent last week at training in Atlanta.  We spent Monday-Friday drinking from a full-blast fire hose aka leaning lots and lots about RUF and PCA history, RUF's Philosophy of Ministry, one-on-ones, evangelism, demographics, and just overall expectations of the internship.  This week of training was loaded with helpful information and I honestly felt like I was at a conference that I had paid to go to.  Sometimes I had to remind myself that this was for my job... how awesome that so many of these sessions were so intriguing that I forgot that it was training for my JOB.  TRAINING.. for my JOB.  I loved getting to hang out with all the other interns and catch up with some 2nd year interns who went to Furman with me.  There was also lots of tennis, ultimate frisbee, late night talks, impromptu dessert runs, and just critical hang out time.

Kelsey, Catherine, and me at the Thursday night cookout

It was also really encouraging to constantly be led back to the Gospel during this week and to be reminded of the fact that God doesn't need me at NC State; He can and will work despite me.  At first, I was slightly insulted and thought -- 'What? Of course God needs me here to help these students hear about all that Jesus has done for us! They NEED me to lead them!' But ohhhh no no no.  Hellooo conviction.  God doesn't NEED me at NC State, but He is going to use me.  The Lord is going to be at work in the hearts of these students and on this campus in so many ways and I'm not a necessary component of that work, there's no question about that, but I'm confident that the Lord has placed me there because He wants to use me in that process, while teaching me more about Himself as well!
Along with ALL of the unknowns that this internship brings along, I think the part that I'm most scared about is that it's going to be different than my experience with RUF at Furman.  But then again, I think that also might be the part that I'm most excited about.  Okay, clearly I'm a little confused here and maybe should gather my thoughts before I publish the mumble jumble on the internet for all to see, but we shall see what my thoughts end up being when I get to campus..... and speaking of getting to campus...

I'm currently at 87% and am moving to Raleigh this Saturday!  Real life?  YES.  Over the past 2 weeks, people (you!) have been SO incredibly and overwhelmingly generous.  The Lord has provided through so many different people and situations and I am so thankful that I will get the opportunity to get to campus before the students get there.  My dad and I will be trekking up and moving all my things into an apartment this Saturday, giving me a week to get acclimated and explore the city that I'll be calling home for at least the next 2 years.  The freshmen move in on Saturday August 11th, so I'll be able to help out with that and then join NC State's RUF ministry/leadership team on their retreat at the beginning of the next week!  

Honestly, there was a point a couple of weeks ago where I found myself thinking -- 'Dang I am so far from 85%.  How the heck is this ever going to get done.  The day will literally never come.'  Then a few days later, the Lord responded by using a few generous people to tell me that He was in control, sovereign, powerful, creative, and always working, never ever ever forgetting about His children.  Friends, we have a God who loves and provides no matter how small our trust is.  How awesome that He desires us and desires to pull us closer to Him and use so many different situations to help us learn more about the power of His love!  So there ya have it... and my next update will be from Raleigh!  Thank you SO SO SO much for all of the support and the prayers!  

This girl was a major reason why I'm doing this internship! SO thankful for you Catherine!

Ways you can pray:
-For my dad and I as we make the drive up to Raleigh and get my stuff settled in... That the Lord would prepare my heart, mind, and emotions for all that comes along with moving to a new city and starting life in Raleigh.
-For the freshman who are moving in August 11th... That they would feel welcomed and wanted as they are entering this new environment.
-For my fellow interns (check out their blogs by clicking on the links on the right side bar)... All 60+ of us are in so many different places right now, moving to campus and raising support.  Pray that we would each be fully invested in whatever point we're at with the internship, that we would put our trust in the Lord, and that those who are not at campus yet would be quickly led to people to partner with them in this ministry.  
-For RUF at NC State... That students' hearts, eyes, ears, and minds would be open and that Chuck, Ian, and I would be in this for Jesus and not ourselves.  Pray that I would be reminded every single day that God's forgiveness and love are directly proportional, and also that my sin and brokenness doesn't destroy me, but actually enables me to see the sweet love of Jesus more and more.

Thank you again, SO MUCH, for your prayers, support, and willingness to keep up with what all is going on!  


Feel free to contact me at allison.henley@ruf.org or 770-548-0124

Monday, July 16, 2012

After a Visit to Raleigh...

Last week I spent a few days in Raleigh after my cousin's wedding.  I hung out with my co-intern, Ian, and my campus minister, Chuck, and his family.  They gave me a tour of NC State's brick-loving campus, pointing out a lot of key areas that will become familiar very fast, like common hang out spots and where our large group meeting will be held on Tuesday nights.  Man oh man oh man I can't wait to be at large group with the students there!  After checking out some possible roommates and housing options, I left for Georgia even more excited to soon be calling Raleigh home.  AND how comforting that I have an aunt, uncle, and cousins up there as well (plus another great cousin post-wedding)! 

On Saturday morning, I found out that I have hit the 40% mark!  My report gets emailed to me every Saturday morning around 7:30am, so I don't think I'll sleep in on Saturdays until all of this support is raised because I'm just too anxious to read through it.  Then, I can't ever go back to sleep after I've read over it because I'm just too excited and overwhelmed by generosity to calm myself enough to reach a going-back-to-sleep state.  But ya know what?  That is TOTALLY okay with me!  This week I received donations from people who I haven't even talked to and people that I didn't even think knew that I was doing this internship!  We sure do have an awesome, all-knowing God who works in such creative ways!

Thank you so much for your prayers and support!!

I am about $13,000 away from being able to move to Raleigh and start working with the students at NC State.  Their classes start on August 16th, so I hope to get there by August 13.  

To break down that remaining $13,000 that means:
1 person giving $200/month 
4 people giving $100/month
6 people giving $50/month
and 7 people giving $25/month

To give, click here and choose "Henley, Allison--NC State" under "staff member"

I had the opportunity to speak at my home church's service yesterday.  In about 4 minutes I tried to explain RUF, how the Lord used it to draw me closer to Him during my time at Furman, what I'll be doing as an intern, and how people can support this ministry.  I was, once again, overwhelmed by the interest and generosity that so many people presented me with after the service.  There's no doubt that the Lord is at work in people's hearts during this process and that He's opening doors to share the beauty of His love and grace this summer before I get to campus!

Ways you can pray:
-For me to put more and more of my trust in Jesus each day and less in myself.
-That the Lord continues to lead me to people to partner with me in this ministry.
-That this remaining $13,000 is provided in ways that are beyond and unknown to us.
-For the people that I talk to, that they would realize and know that they are not supporting ME, but are supporting the ministry of RUF as God uses it to work in and change the hearts of the students on these college campuses.
-That I would be reminded that this support raising process is not about raising funds, but is ultimately about inviting people to be a part of sharing what Jesus has done for us with the next generation.

Feel free to put your email address in the box on the sidebar to the right if you want these posts to come directly to your email.  (It may come to your email with the title as "Life in New Zealand", but I don't know how to change that, so just disregard it!)

Feel free to call (770-548-0124) or email me (allison.henley@ruf.org) with any questions!

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Since when is it already JULY?!  

After raising support for a little less than a month now, here's an update in numbers of how the Lord has provided:
34% of my total goal has been raised --> $9,679 has been raised and $18,790 is left.
That being said...
40% of my 85% goal has been raised --> I am $14,521 away from moving to campus!
(I must have 85% of my total goal raised in order to move to campus)

Let's break down that remaining $14,521:
6 people giving $200 per month
12 people giving $100 per month
24 people giving $50 per month

One-Time Gifts
30 people giving $500
50 people giving $300

Will you consider partnering with me???

Last week I made a short trip up to Greenville.  It was so encouraging to get to talk to some folks at MRPC, a few of my favorite professors from Furman, and some Furman friends who are calling Greenville home right now.  I survived the Peachtree on the 4th and am now spending a few days up in Raleigh for my cousin Courtney's wedding.  I've never been to Raleigh before so I'm super excited to check out the city that is soon to be my new home! 

NC State students will be starting classes in mid-August, so I am hoping to get there a little before that.  In order for that to happen, the rest of July needs to be full of $14,521.  If you haven't already, would you consider helping me get to campus?? 

What you can pray for:
- That I TRUST... that the Lord is sovereign, that He is in control, that He is leading me.
- That I am reminded daily that God is working in and through the support raising process, reaching people even though I may not realize it.
- That I would be given chances to boldly and humbly share with people what it is that RUF is doing and how they can get involved.
- That my heart would be fully reliant on Jesus and not on my own ability (inability, actually).
- That I would bring glory to His name during this process!

How you can give: 
- online at www.ruf.org/donate/ and find my name under "staff member" (Henley, Allison - NC State)
- a check (with Allison Henley, NC State, #1350 in the memo line) in the mail to:
Reformed University Fellowship
1700 North Brown Road, Suite 104 
Lawrenceville, GA 30034

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or want any additional information (or just want to chat!).  You can email me: allison.henley@ruf.org or call me: 770-548-0124

It has been so cool to see how God has provided and which people He has already called to be a part of this ministry with me! I'm SO excited to continue to see Him at work in this process!

It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God-- that is, our righteousness, holiness, and redemption.
                                                                                             1 Cor 1:30

And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit
                                                                                            Ephesians 2:22