Monday, July 16, 2012

After a Visit to Raleigh...

Last week I spent a few days in Raleigh after my cousin's wedding.  I hung out with my co-intern, Ian, and my campus minister, Chuck, and his family.  They gave me a tour of NC State's brick-loving campus, pointing out a lot of key areas that will become familiar very fast, like common hang out spots and where our large group meeting will be held on Tuesday nights.  Man oh man oh man I can't wait to be at large group with the students there!  After checking out some possible roommates and housing options, I left for Georgia even more excited to soon be calling Raleigh home.  AND how comforting that I have an aunt, uncle, and cousins up there as well (plus another great cousin post-wedding)! 

On Saturday morning, I found out that I have hit the 40% mark!  My report gets emailed to me every Saturday morning around 7:30am, so I don't think I'll sleep in on Saturdays until all of this support is raised because I'm just too anxious to read through it.  Then, I can't ever go back to sleep after I've read over it because I'm just too excited and overwhelmed by generosity to calm myself enough to reach a going-back-to-sleep state.  But ya know what?  That is TOTALLY okay with me!  This week I received donations from people who I haven't even talked to and people that I didn't even think knew that I was doing this internship!  We sure do have an awesome, all-knowing God who works in such creative ways!

Thank you so much for your prayers and support!!

I am about $13,000 away from being able to move to Raleigh and start working with the students at NC State.  Their classes start on August 16th, so I hope to get there by August 13.  

To break down that remaining $13,000 that means:
1 person giving $200/month 
4 people giving $100/month
6 people giving $50/month
and 7 people giving $25/month

To give, click here and choose "Henley, Allison--NC State" under "staff member"

I had the opportunity to speak at my home church's service yesterday.  In about 4 minutes I tried to explain RUF, how the Lord used it to draw me closer to Him during my time at Furman, what I'll be doing as an intern, and how people can support this ministry.  I was, once again, overwhelmed by the interest and generosity that so many people presented me with after the service.  There's no doubt that the Lord is at work in people's hearts during this process and that He's opening doors to share the beauty of His love and grace this summer before I get to campus!

Ways you can pray:
-For me to put more and more of my trust in Jesus each day and less in myself.
-That the Lord continues to lead me to people to partner with me in this ministry.
-That this remaining $13,000 is provided in ways that are beyond and unknown to us.
-For the people that I talk to, that they would realize and know that they are not supporting ME, but are supporting the ministry of RUF as God uses it to work in and change the hearts of the students on these college campuses.
-That I would be reminded that this support raising process is not about raising funds, but is ultimately about inviting people to be a part of sharing what Jesus has done for us with the next generation.

Feel free to put your email address in the box on the sidebar to the right if you want these posts to come directly to your email.  (It may come to your email with the title as "Life in New Zealand", but I don't know how to change that, so just disregard it!)

Feel free to call (770-548-0124) or email me ( with any questions!

1 comment:

  1. Ian is so cool! Enjoyed meeting him at Summer conference. I'm sure you'll like working with him! Praying for you!
