Saturday, July 7, 2012


Since when is it already JULY?!  

After raising support for a little less than a month now, here's an update in numbers of how the Lord has provided:
34% of my total goal has been raised --> $9,679 has been raised and $18,790 is left.
That being said...
40% of my 85% goal has been raised --> I am $14,521 away from moving to campus!
(I must have 85% of my total goal raised in order to move to campus)

Let's break down that remaining $14,521:
6 people giving $200 per month
12 people giving $100 per month
24 people giving $50 per month

One-Time Gifts
30 people giving $500
50 people giving $300

Will you consider partnering with me???

Last week I made a short trip up to Greenville.  It was so encouraging to get to talk to some folks at MRPC, a few of my favorite professors from Furman, and some Furman friends who are calling Greenville home right now.  I survived the Peachtree on the 4th and am now spending a few days up in Raleigh for my cousin Courtney's wedding.  I've never been to Raleigh before so I'm super excited to check out the city that is soon to be my new home! 

NC State students will be starting classes in mid-August, so I am hoping to get there a little before that.  In order for that to happen, the rest of July needs to be full of $14,521.  If you haven't already, would you consider helping me get to campus?? 

What you can pray for:
- That I TRUST... that the Lord is sovereign, that He is in control, that He is leading me.
- That I am reminded daily that God is working in and through the support raising process, reaching people even though I may not realize it.
- That I would be given chances to boldly and humbly share with people what it is that RUF is doing and how they can get involved.
- That my heart would be fully reliant on Jesus and not on my own ability (inability, actually).
- That I would bring glory to His name during this process!

How you can give: 
- online at and find my name under "staff member" (Henley, Allison - NC State)
- a check (with Allison Henley, NC State, #1350 in the memo line) in the mail to:
Reformed University Fellowship
1700 North Brown Road, Suite 104 
Lawrenceville, GA 30034

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or want any additional information (or just want to chat!).  You can email me: or call me: 770-548-0124

It has been so cool to see how God has provided and which people He has already called to be a part of this ministry with me! I'm SO excited to continue to see Him at work in this process!

It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God-- that is, our righteousness, holiness, and redemption.
                                                                                             1 Cor 1:30

And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit
                                                                                            Ephesians 2:22

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