Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ready to Increase the Travel Experience Level!

Today was the last orientation session and it was filled with lots of new faces.  There were people from literally all over the world: India, China, Vietnam, Pacific Islands, USA, Denmark, Holland, Germany, etc.  The lecture hall that we were in could hold about 450 people, which made it not too crowded for the 175ish of us that were in there.  I left 2 seats between me and the person beside me.  A few minutes later a girl from India came and plopped down RIGHT next to me. 1) I was early and there were about 425 open seats in the room.  2) These seats weren’t exactly roomy, just the opposite actually.  I calmly turned to her and said, “Hey I’ll scoot over one so we can have some room”.  I’m guessing one reason why she chose to study abroad in New Zealand was to work on her English because about 10 seconds after I moved over, she moved right on over next to me.  Man I must’ve smelled good or something! Oh well…
It was a really rainy day today so my friend Kelsey (another friend! Yes!) and I took the bus to get bus cards, which eventually end up saving you money rather than paying every time you use the bus.  I’m really going to have to get acquainted with this public transportation thing.  So far, the bus map makes absolutely no sense to me.  I picked up about a bajillion free maps and booklets at the bus station, so now I have at least 30.  After that guess where we went… yep, McDonalds.  Again.  And I’ll probably go tomorrow too.  Kelsey and I spent LOTS of time last night trying to find somewhere semi-nearby to travel to this weekend, so today we booked a bus ride to Taupo and 2 nights at a hostel there! I think my maturity level increased a little bit today and I’m really excited for the trip! Side note: the bus company that we used is called “naked bus”, but don’t worry clothes ARE required.  Taupo is about a 3 hour bus ride and is south and a little east of Hamilton.  There is a huge, beautiful lake so there should be plenty to do and see.  Woo!  Time to pack the disinfecting spray for the hostel J 
Thanks for all the prayers for friends that y’all have been sending my way.  God is good and I have definitely felt those starting to be answered! Although this past week or so has been lots of fun, it has been rough and hard with all of the adjustments and emotions as well, but I have felt so supported by family and friends!  God sure is teaching me a lot about leaning on Him and trusting that His way is best.  I am constantly learning that seeking His guidance is always better than trying to rely on myself.  I can’t do this alone, that’s for sure!  It’s just so awesome and comforting that even though I wander from Him, God will never leave me to do things on my own!

Interesting Observations:
-“white coffee” is a typical coffee order here.
-I have found myself wanting to listen to Christmas music just because it’s winter here.
-cars stop for no one, especially the Americans who continue to look the wrong direction before crossing the street aka me.
-despite the beauty of this country, rain still falls on it.
-drying clothes on outside drying racks is super common.  The drying racks they use are HUGE and built into the ground in their yards. 

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